Sunday, December 13, 2009


It's a rainy day here and girlie girl announced she wanted to make Gingerbread cookies. I have never made them from scratch and didn't think today would be the best day to make my first attempt. There is so much still to be done. More shopping, decorating, cooking and at some point some cleaning. Wanted to keep things nice and easy to insure a happy experience.
I found this at the grocery store and figured it was worth a try. So easy!!!
We rolled out the dough and used some cookie cutters we had. She especially liked the mini ones. We had lots of fun decorating with sugar glitter. Let me just tell you that stuff gets everywhere. I'll be cleaning that up still in January.
Yummy right out of the oven

Here's the finished product. They are pretty good tasting.

This week we'll try the sugar cookies!!

Hope everyone is relaxing and gearing up for the last full week before Christmas.

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