Monday, February 23, 2009


This past weekend I fell in love with a plate. My hubby and I took a much needed weekend away without girlie girl - hard to believe but the first ever since she has been born. We went to my in laws place in Fenwick Is Delaware. They are lucky enough to be in Florida right now.
On Saturday I snuck away to visit one of my favorite stores The Country House. They have a great catalog and website but that is nothing compared to the store, it's a site to see. It's almost visual overload. Should have brought a camera but forgot. I could have bought everything!! I restrained myself but did buy these plates. The Safflower salad plate. My girlfriend convinced me they would be perfect for my kitchen and the shelf I now refer to as "the thorn in my side". We'll she was right. They are perfect. I'll show more pictures of them in use on a future post. They were sold in a set of 4 for $50 - kind of steep for me but man they were worth it. I used 2 on my shelf and put the other 2 throughout the kitchen - I don't know what it is but they complete me!! and def complete my kitchen. Everytime I see them I smile! .
If you are ever in the area of Salisbury MD (near Ocean City Md) The Country House is a must see!
The joys of retail therapy!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that pattern too!!! Worth every penny! And your house above is dreamy!
