So as I am sitting here devouring all my favorite blogs and wishing I could completely redo every inch of my house I remind myself that I to have a blog and gosh darnet I haven't posted in like forever. I have to blame it on my change in routine. Hubby's union went on strike about 3 weeks ago. (they just settled and are back to work Yay!) So there went my normal days. When I got up in the morning he was there and when I went to make lunch he was there. Now I did enjoy him being home and really miss him now but man did it throw me for a loop. I am def someone who likes order and schedules but I didn't realize just how much I need that. Having him home changed everything. We did get a few more major things done but what I found really hard was just finishing my normal everyday stuff.
Right now getting ready for a long weekend at the Jersey shore. It will be fun but I am so looking forward to next week when it's just me and girlie girl doing our thing. Bring on the cleaning supplies, laundry etc. I think I will enjoy it for at least a day!
i don't think i could handle my hubby being home for any length of time, but i just thank god that he still has a job.